It may sound funny, but receiving AWS credits may bring you one unexpected complication - how to distribute these credits within your AWS Organization properly.
Just imagine this hypothetical situation…Your company is an AWS Partner and it’s active in the AWS Partner Program (APN) where you receive credits for:
paying a yearly fee of 2500 USD
getting people certified
The costs for yearly APN fees and certification vouchers are covered by the budget you are the owner. So you have a costs….right?
Later on, when you receive AWS credits (whose value is usually bigger than your initial investment), you would love to cover the costs from your budget. However the default configuration of AWS cost distribution is that the credits will be shared with all your AWS accounts within your AWS Organization. So, another department, team, or even your customer may benefit from those credits and you will receive almost nothing back. Not fair, right?
Luckily, there is a solution….Oct 19, 2023, AWS announced a member account level credit sharing preferences
Now you can select which AWS account will be our credits shared with.
log in to your AWS payer account
Go to “Billing and Cost Management”
in the Left menu find “Billing Preferences” and scroll down to see “Credit sharing preferences”
I recommend disabling the credit sharing to all accounts and then enabling it only for a few AWS accounts
P.S. if you are looking for a way how to get AWS credits, I recommend to read my previous post